L' impact des pratiques de la Chaine Logistique Verte sur la Performance Financière et Environnementale de l’entreprise


  • Laila ALIGOD Faculté des Sciences Juridiques Economiques et Sociales, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fès-Maroc.
  • Abdessamad DIANI , Faculté des Sciences Juridiques Economiques et Sociales, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Fès-Maroc.


green supply chain, supply chain performance, financial performance, environmental performance, green procurement, ecodesign, reverse logistics


Faced with increasing environmental pressures and sustainability requirements, companies are adopting responsible green supply chain practices such as green procurement, eco-design and reverse logistics. This study aims to measure the impact of these practices on the performance of the supply chain, as well as on the financial and environmental performance of the company. To answer our question: “How do green supply chain practices impact the performance of the supply chain, the financial and environmental performance of the company?” , we adopted a two-phase sequential explanatory methodology. First, we conducted a quantitative study using structural equation modelling. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to Moroccan companies at the Logismed Fair and processed using IBM SPSS AMOS 26 software. We then followed up the case study of Equatorial Coca-Cola Bottling to enrich and refine the initial conclusions. Semi-structured interviews with logistics managers provide strong evidence in support of the five assumptions set out in our conceptual research model. Green procurement, eco-design and reverse logistics initiatives all have a positive impact on supply chain performance, and this improvement in logistics performance translates into significant financial and environmental benefits. These results highlight the strategic importance of green supply chain practices to improve operational performance, increase profitability, minimize environmental footprint and contribute to sustainable development efforts.



How to Cite

ALIGOD , L., & DIANI, A. (2024). L’ impact des pratiques de la Chaine Logistique Verte sur la Performance Financière et Environnementale de l’entreprise. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 3(3), 1–18. Retrieved from https://ijemsjournal.com/index.php/home/article/view/49


